District 11 Championships
Agri~Plex & Scattered Sites
The District 11 Championships allow students to showcase their skills through real-world scenarios crafted by industry experts, simulating the demands of today’s workplace.
This year, over 450 students competed in 60 contests of skill and leadership at the Agri~Plex in Allentown and various sites throughout the area. Three new contests were introduced: Employment Application Process (IEP), Marine Service Technology, and Mechatronics.
During the VIP Luncheon, presenting sponsors highlighted how SkillsUSA Council is helping to prepare the next generation for successful careers and encouraged others to consider career and technical education.
We were thrilled to once again hold the Awards Ceremony in person at Parkland High School, where parents, teachers, and industry partners celebrated the competitors’ achievements. Gold, silver, and bronze medalists were recognized, with gold medalists advancing to the State Competition in Hershey, PA, for a chance to compete at Nationals in Atlanta, GA.